(I wouldn't normally title something like this, but it seemed appropriate in light of the wording, tone and substance of the various anti-Hillary posts and comments lately; and I think even the parts of this that might not seem to directly relate to this community do relate to feminism in light of both the misogynistic nature of many of the attacks
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so apparently the US government spends it's time discussing "A bill to ensure that women seeking an abortion are fully informed regarding the pain experienced by their unborn child
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This article is pretty good and highlights a new study done by a variety of agencies on the [negative] impact of privatizing social security on people of color, women, low/middle-class workers, the disabled, children
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The US now has the show "Commander in Chief" with Geena Davis playing a female president. Al Gore was quoted in the AP today saying in response to a question about Hillary Clinton's possible run for the White House in 2008 that he believes the country is ready for a female president
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